25. November 2014.

Euro-Unit & Yamaha guitar workshop with Vlatko Stefanovski

Organized by Yamaha and Euro-Unit, as part of 20th Jazz Fair Čakovec in CZK Čakovec on 20th November 2014 was held excellent workshop for guitarists led by Vlatko Stefanovski. He is also world renowned guitarist from Macedonia who for more than forty years with its original music and virtuoso performing delight audiences of all ages. He started his career in the Macedonian group Leb i Sol, and his music grew over the years and became exciting and he now stands shoulder to shoulder with the world’s most famous guitarists.

The workshop was visited by many students of music schools from the surrounding area of Čakovec city and also a large number of guitarists who want to have more knowledge.

The day before, 19th November Stefanovski had an excellent concert at the Cultural Center of Čakovec city within the 20th Jazz Fair Čakovec where Yamaha and Euro-Unit were main sponsors.

He has also generously share years of experience with the introduction of Yamaha’s premium guitars and amps of THR series and our increasingly popular Ivan’s guitars.

He also has overpass his knowledge and experience to participants of the workshop in a simple and very user-friendly way. It removed the many misconceptions that  guitarists fall in, advised on what shall give particular attention, and finally on the and he also answered to the questions of participants.

See summary of Vlatko workshops in which we have included most important things that this great musician said.