12. November 2009.

Hero of the recession

The recession is finally in Europe easily coming to end, and in front of all the businesses set new barriers, it complicated the business, and companies are unwilling ended in bankruptcy. In these difficult times, companies need to make quick and correct decisions in order to survive on the market. The company Euro-Unit strategy out of the crisis based on equitable burden sharing between the recession of employees and owners of companies that ultimately resulted in lower gross profit and reduction in salaries of employees but with the stability of the company, new employment and increased exports to new markets and overall growth in traffic.

Based on business indicators of Euro Unit for 2009.year, „Movement for a fair distribution of burden on crisis – PRASAK! “ gave us award “Hero of the recession.” On the sites www.recesija.org can find information on how the companies evaluated the database on their ranking and explanation of categories. “Heroes of the recession were able to earn more for themselves and for the workers,” the official definition of the categories in which is Euro-Unit, while scrolling through the database, it is evident to us that among the most successful Croatian companies, and builds on numerous national and international awards and awards by the Euro-Unit got so far.

The award “Hero of recession” is an excellent indicator of the Company’s business strategy and proof that fair distribution of goods recession can still achieve a satisfactory business results with proper planning and quality business vision.